2015. november 22., vasárnap

Leo track

Bronco made beautiful workable track for the Leopard. Very work-intensive and time consuming, but the result will be stunning (if I won't screw it up with painting...).

2015. szeptember 28., hétfő

Track again

Just received the workable tracks for the Leopard. The kit one was useless, tried with a few glue types but did not work. This one will be cool - unfortunately hardly visible as the side fenders will hide most of it. But no problem.

Also in the package arrived a little beauty. Chaffee. When I was a kid, I wanted one more than any other type - especially after watching Kelly's Heroes. It was not available where I lived then and anyway only the Italeri kit could be the chosen one. Now I fulfilled one of my childhood dreams and bought this one. The only open question: WHEN? :)
By the way: I started to learn the art of light tank recon in World of Tanks and the Chaffee is my favourite (side by side with the Luchs which is the next one on my shopping list...)

2015. május 4., hétfő

Leo in progress

The Revell Leopard is really nice in details and surprisingly good in fit, though some filling and sanding was applied but mostly due to my error(s). As it's an OOB build, I do not upgrade the tools and handles, but
- will cut off the hatch door handles and replace them with copper wire to look better instead of these little plastic block
- the kit provides towing cables made of rubber which I don't like, so replacement wire will be used instead
To be honest this is a one-week build but I've not spent time on it yet. Must change attitude :)

2015. április 12., vasárnap

Birthday present

Last week I got this Leo as a birthday present. My son chose it saying "dad likes big cats". Opening the box it was a bit stunning: I've built panzer 1 and 2 and 38(t)variants so far, plus a Stuart but nothing as big as this. Here is a comparison shot with a tiny Pz I ausf A.
I decided to build it in a month - no aftermarket sets, purely OOB build. Yesterday I glued the lower chassis and am pleased. The fit is good. Seems to be a fun build - but now I need some NATO color...

2015. április 6., hétfő

Friul in progress

As I have my spare time with playing World of Tanks (killer of modelling hobby), my usually slow progress turned to ultra-giga-mega-slow. Though the track of the M106 has been cleared, drilled and is now being glued. I like this vehicle - lots of colour photographs were found on the net (mostly M113 but some M106A1 as well) so the detailing will be thorough. Using the Eduard sets and lots of wire, plastic and imagination.