1 hete
2017. december 24., vasárnap
2017. november 19., vasárnap
Engine bay
Egy szűk hónap kihagyás után (persze közben apró lépésekkel haladtam ám...) végre kész a motortér, még ha némi koszt el is fog bírni a végső fázisban. Haladok tovább a többi résszel, innen egy kicsit talán látványosabb lesz a dolog. Idén szeretném befejezni a Kübelt, hogy elkezdhessem a... öö... igen, tudom, hogy mit írtam pár hete, hogy most akkor nincs új kampány, meg ilyenek, de a Panzerjäger I ausf. B-be csak belevágok, hehe. Közben zsonglőrködöm a többi folyamatban lévő üggyel is (megérkezett a PE a Kettenkradhoz, de még nem láttam neki).
A festési folyamatokkal való problémázásomat egy "kannás" Tamiya festék oldotta meg. El is határoztam, hogy a főbb színekben beszerzek Tamiya spray festékeket, mert így azok a helyek, amiket összeszerelés után nehéz lefesteni, sem maradnak pőrén, és nem is kell minden nap előszedni aztán pucolni és elpakolni a festékszórót/kompresszort... nem nagy találmány, de azért elégedett voltam magammal, amikor ráeszméltem.
After a month pause I finished the engine bay of the Kübel. Some more dirt, oil and grease will be applied later. Now the project will speed up a little as the "outside" does not contain that many small pieces. I hope I'll finish it in 2017 - and start the Panzerjäger I ausf. B as a brand new campaign on Armorama (I know that I've not wanted to participate more campaigns for a while but this time... well it is changing, it seems).
Regarding my painting problems an easy solution I found out: Tamiya spray can(s). I'll buy the basic colors - now the dark yellow helped me out to paint the hardly visible parts - sparing me the time of packing - using - cleaning - packing of the airbrush for some squarecentimeters of paint areas. The Tamiya paint levels beautifully straight from the can. I know it is not a really professional way but who cares? :)
A festési folyamatokkal való problémázásomat egy "kannás" Tamiya festék oldotta meg. El is határoztam, hogy a főbb színekben beszerzek Tamiya spray festékeket, mert így azok a helyek, amiket összeszerelés után nehéz lefesteni, sem maradnak pőrén, és nem is kell minden nap előszedni aztán pucolni és elpakolni a festékszórót/kompresszort... nem nagy találmány, de azért elégedett voltam magammal, amikor ráeszméltem.
After a month pause I finished the engine bay of the Kübel. Some more dirt, oil and grease will be applied later. Now the project will speed up a little as the "outside" does not contain that many small pieces. I hope I'll finish it in 2017 - and start the Panzerjäger I ausf. B as a brand new campaign on Armorama (I know that I've not wanted to participate more campaigns for a while but this time... well it is changing, it seems).
Regarding my painting problems an easy solution I found out: Tamiya spray can(s). I'll buy the basic colors - now the dark yellow helped me out to paint the hardly visible parts - sparing me the time of packing - using - cleaning - packing of the airbrush for some squarecentimeters of paint areas. The Tamiya paint levels beautifully straight from the can. I know it is not a really professional way but who cares? :)
2017. október 23., hétfő
Wired up
A Kübelwagen motorja nagyon szépen mutat az eredeti, Tamiya által gyártott formájában is, de úgy éreztem, szükséges némi drótozás, hogy még jobb legyen. Gyújtáskábelek, satöbbi. Mostani formájában is jól mutat, de alapozással szerintem még jobb lesz, és abba már bele sem merek gondolni, hogy kosszal milyen jól fog mutatni :)
The engine set of Tamiya is nice in its original form but can be upgraded with some wiring. That is what I've done today. Now it looks better and I'm sure it will look even cooler when it will be painted and weathered.
The engine set of Tamiya is nice in its original form but can be upgraded with some wiring. That is what I've done today. Now it looks better and I'm sure it will look even cooler when it will be painted and weathered.
2017. október 17., kedd
Kübelwagen story #1
A Kübelwagen egy nagyon szerethető makett, nem csak a formája, hanem a Tamiya szokásos minőségű tervezése és kivitelezése miatt is. Egy-két részt már összeraktam, egyelőre várok a motor szettre, ami holnap talán már itt is lesz. Az Aber feljavításból nem mindent fogok felhasználni, a fordítható első kerekeket például nem, de a tetőponyva működő "rudazatát" azt lehet, hogy igen, még nem döntöttem el. Addig is apróbb feljavításokon szöszölök, mint például az üzemanyagtartály, ami szerintem jobban néz ki rézzel.
Egyelőre azon is töröm a fejem, hogy a festést hogyan végezzem. A belső részeket nagyon nehéz, sőt lehetetlen lefújni, ha összeraktam, szóval lehet, hogy apránként festem majd, meglátom.
Addig is a jelenlegi állapot, és némi frissen beszerzett eszköz. A Tamiya vágó kiváltképp a kedvencem.
I've started the Kübelwagen and as always it's amazing to see Tamiya kits to fit perfectly, almost without gluing. I'm waiting for the engine set so only smaller sub assemblies are in progress but I use some of the Aber PE. I skipped the working first wheel steering mechanism but planning to do the canvas holder, also working one. In the meanwhile I just acquired some new tools. The Tamiya cutter is my new favourite. Sharp and nice pointy - I can cut parts so nicely that hardly any cleaning is required...
Egyelőre azon is töröm a fejem, hogy a festést hogyan végezzem. A belső részeket nagyon nehéz, sőt lehetetlen lefújni, ha összeraktam, szóval lehet, hogy apránként festem majd, meglátom.
Addig is a jelenlegi állapot, és némi frissen beszerzett eszköz. A Tamiya vágó kiváltképp a kedvencem.
I've started the Kübelwagen and as always it's amazing to see Tamiya kits to fit perfectly, almost without gluing. I'm waiting for the engine set so only smaller sub assemblies are in progress but I use some of the Aber PE. I skipped the working first wheel steering mechanism but planning to do the canvas holder, also working one. In the meanwhile I just acquired some new tools. The Tamiya cutter is my new favourite. Sharp and nice pointy - I can cut parts so nicely that hardly any cleaning is required...
2017. október 8., vasárnap
Igen, tudom, hogy legutóbb azt említettem, hogy nem kezdek újabb kampányba, de hát én már csak ennyire vagyok határozott, és előrelátó. Bizonyítékul a T-35 téli álcáját hadd idézzem, és hosszú még a sor. A lényeg, hogy arra jutottam, egy Kübelwagen jól mutatna a Jagdpanzer soha el nem készülő diorámáján, és ha már pont van egy témába vágó kampány, akkor miért is ne? Addig is, amíg várom a maratást a Kettenkradhoz, legalább lesz mit csinálnom.
Well, though I said "no campaign nowadays" I proved that my certainty is standing on very weak foundations. I thought that a Kübelwagen would be a nice addition to the never-to-be-finished Jagdpanzer diorama. And there is a Jeeps! campaign on armorama... so why not? It will be a quite simple and straightforward build, not too many parts and a Tamiya kit which means speed, or something like that. And at least there is something to do while I wait the PE set for the Kettenkrad...
Well, though I said "no campaign nowadays" I proved that my certainty is standing on very weak foundations. I thought that a Kübelwagen would be a nice addition to the never-to-be-finished Jagdpanzer diorama. And there is a Jeeps! campaign on armorama... so why not? It will be a quite simple and straightforward build, not too many parts and a Tamiya kit which means speed, or something like that. And at least there is something to do while I wait the PE set for the Kettenkrad...
2017. szeptember 27., szerda
Finished T-35
Késznek nyilvánítom a jószágot, amit menet közben eléggé megszerettem. Nem vittem túlzásba a koszolást, nem is volt szándékom. És egy tanulság, okulásul: nem szabad egy napot várni az AK Interactive "dust deposits" termékeinek felvitele és a blending között. Én hagytam és meg is szívtam, mert alig tudtam tompítani az éles szélek látványán anélkül, hogy az eredeti festést fel ne szedjem a hígítós ecsettel. Ha a cucc felvitele után 5-6 perccel tettem volna ugyanezt, sokkal szebb lett volna a végeredmény (próbadarabon ellenőriztem), de végül így is elégedett lehetek, azt hiszem. A kipufogó narancssárgáját még tompítani kell, ezt rendszerint elbaltázom, de ez egy perces korrekció csupán. Most egy darabig nem kezdek újabb, egy évnél rövidebb kampányba - be kéne fejezni a Leopardot meg szeretném összehozni a Jagdpanzer IV diorámát is, ezzel azt hiszem 2018 végéig majdnem el is fogom tölteni az időt...
Finally it is finished. It was a lovely build and I'm pleased with the result. The only problem occured that I left the AK Interactive "dust deposit" to cure overnight - and it was a pain to try to feather/blend it next day. The white spirit started to soften up the original paint. Next time I'll leave the dust effects product to dry only 5-6 minutes after applying it and then start the blending. That way it has an amazing finish.
Now I plan to hold a pause. Or at least don't start a campaign that is shorter than one year. I'd like to finish the Leopard (sleeping in her shoebox) and to build a diorama with the Jagdpanzer IV. I'm quite sure that it will last till the end of 2018.
Finally it is finished. It was a lovely build and I'm pleased with the result. The only problem occured that I left the AK Interactive "dust deposit" to cure overnight - and it was a pain to try to feather/blend it next day. The white spirit started to soften up the original paint. Next time I'll leave the dust effects product to dry only 5-6 minutes after applying it and then start the blending. That way it has an amazing finish.
Now I plan to hold a pause. Or at least don't start a campaign that is shorter than one year. I'd like to finish the Leopard (sleeping in her shoebox) and to build a diorama with the Jagdpanzer IV. I'm quite sure that it will last till the end of 2018.
2017. szeptember 17., vasárnap
Hand tools painted and some more modulation...
Annyira megtetszett ez a moduláció-dolog, hogy még átmentem egy-két részleten újra a highlight színnel, kapaszkodók, miegymás kiemelésére, és nagyon elégedett lettem a végén. Nem tudom, hogy mennyire fogja ezt tompítani a koszolás, filtert nem tervezek rátenni, de kosz meg por az lesz. Hamarosan lefújom a félfényes lakkal, aztán pedig jöhet a vedöring. Kicsit megint kezdek aggódni, hogy mindjárt hóvége, de azért két hét alatt csak készen leszek tán...
I used the highlight color to enrich the look. I quite like this modulation thing though I weren't that extreme modulator as some of the "big ones". Also painted the hand tools and now I plan to apply satin varnish and then weathering commences. Fingers crossed. End of month is approaching...
I used the highlight color to enrich the look. I quite like this modulation thing though I weren't that extreme modulator as some of the "big ones". Also painted the hand tools and now I plan to apply satin varnish and then weathering commences. Fingers crossed. End of month is approaching...
2017. szeptember 9., szombat
Paintjob step one done...
Megvolt hát a festés, végre találtam rá két üres órát. Az AmmoMIG 4BO szettjét használtam, és ezúttal se nem dugult el a düzni, se kontroll problémák se voltak, egyszerűen minden szépen ment és működött. A végeredményhez a Dark Base, a 4BO Base, Higlight Base és Highlights árnyalatokat használtam, és elégedett vagyok a végeredménnyel. Jöhetnek a felszerelések, aztán egy lakk, aztán a wash, meg a többi kosz...
Painting done - at least the first round. It took 2 hours but the result is pleasing (to me). I used AmmoMIG 4BO set, and was very pleased with it. Superflat finish, no clogging, no problem. It was amazing and I am happy with the result. Now some minor painting (tools, etc) and a varnish and finally the weathering...
2017. szeptember 4., hétfő
Kettenkrad start
Nem nagyon volt időm az utóbbi hetekben, de azért apró lépésekben elkezdtem a Kettenkradot. Bár a kerekeket írja az útmutató (mint mindig), én inkább a járgányt készítem el előbb, és csak azután a futóművét, elkerülendő a későbbi sérüléseket. A Dragon 6446-os, elvileg prémium készlete a páciens, na a prémiumság nem a minőségre vonatkozik. Már az első daraboknál brutális kilökőtüske nyomok és lecsiszolandó "seamek" köszöntöttek, erős közepes illeszkedéssel. Persze azért kiindulási alapnak jó lesz ez, hiszen maga a motor hasonlít a járgányban találhatóhoz (ami amúgy az Opel Olympia motorja is volt egyben). A generátor és egyéb részletek eléggé elnagyoltak, néhány dolog pedig (hűtővíz tartály, gyújtás) teljesen hiányzik, de sebaj. Nem sok fog látszódni belőle a motortér fedél alatt, de ha például ütött-kopottság okán (elvégre 1944 végén vagyunk) az egyik rácsot nem teszem rá, akkor máris be lehet majd kukkantani, szóval van értelme kicsit feltupírozni a makettet...
Though not much time recently but I've started the Kettenkrad (Dragon 6446). The quality is quite awful. Lots of seam lines and pin marks but at least the engine looks similar to the real one (see below). Some parts oversimplified (generator, etc) and some parts completely missing (coolant, electric wires, etc) but this is a good base to start and it worths some upgrade. I do not want to buy any AM stuff for this kit so this will be my own challenge (campaign?)
(image source: primeportal - all rights reserved by them)
Though not much time recently but I've started the Kettenkrad (Dragon 6446). The quality is quite awful. Lots of seam lines and pin marks but at least the engine looks similar to the real one (see below). Some parts oversimplified (generator, etc) and some parts completely missing (coolant, electric wires, etc) but this is a good base to start and it worths some upgrade. I do not want to buy any AM stuff for this kit so this will be my own challenge (campaign?)
(image source: primeportal - all rights reserved by them)
2017. augusztus 24., csütörtök
OK, egy hónap hosszabbítást kapott a kampány, úgyhogy október 1-ig kaptunk haladékot. Addig csak lefestem a T-35-öt, nem? De. Viszont a bizonytalanság földi helytartójaként újra átgondoltam a festést, és mégsem tetszik a téli álca ötlet... még jó, hogy nem rendeltem meg a téli legénységet egy kisebb vagyonért. Ugye. És közben, ha már a makettezés nem halad, nézegetem a készletet, és arra gondoltam, hogy ezt a kis kincset (lásd kép) kezdem el legközelebb, kiegészítendő a Jagdpanzer IV-et. Ötlet születik, vagy mi. Illetve még a Jeeps! kampányra is beneveztem, jövő márciusig kell(ene) készen lenni egy dzsippel, vagy kübellel...
One month delay of campaign deadline - that saves me from being late. So the T-35 has to be ready until 1st October - seems absolutely manageable. But I'm uncertain again. I am not sure to paint it in winter camo or not. Now I vote for not. Lucky that I had not ordered the winter crew for a fortune... And looking at the stash, the next project seems to be a late type Kettenkrad. This would be a part of the dio with the Jagdpanzer IV. And the next campaign I'm looking at is Jeeps! I have both a Jeep and a Kübelwagen. Both would qualify and the deadline is next March. Long enough to be brave :)
One month delay of campaign deadline - that saves me from being late. So the T-35 has to be ready until 1st October - seems absolutely manageable. But I'm uncertain again. I am not sure to paint it in winter camo or not. Now I vote for not. Lucky that I had not ordered the winter crew for a fortune... And looking at the stash, the next project seems to be a late type Kettenkrad. This would be a part of the dio with the Jagdpanzer IV. And the next campaign I'm looking at is Jeeps! I have both a Jeep and a Kübelwagen. Both would qualify and the deadline is next March. Long enough to be brave :)
2017. augusztus 20., vasárnap
Build and Primer coat ready
Na akkor meg volnánk az építés részével, és az alapozó réteg is felkerült. Van tíz nap a kampány végéig, gyakorlatilag esélytelen, hogy szépen be tudjam fejezni addig. Ha kapnánk egy hét hosszabbítást, akkor viszont menni fog a dolog...
Well, the build phase is done and primer coat is on. Though still 10 days to go till the deadline of the campaign and it is quite hopeless to finish painting, whitewashing and weathering this huge monster. But we started to cry for a week postpone... maybe then :)
2017. augusztus 13., vasárnap
Turrets and worries up...
Kezdek kétségbe esni... még van néhány apróság, amit rá kell szerelni a makettre, de aztán a festés... alapozás 1 nap, festés 1 vagy 2 nap, és a whitewas szintén legalább 1 nap, aztán meg a koszolás úgyszintén legalább 1, de inkább 2 nap... és nem tudok minden este leülni makettezni... és már alig van hátra 17 nap... hogy lesz készen a kampány határidőig?? Persze ha nem lesz kész, akkor sincs semmi, szeptemberben be tudom fejezni, és akkor az idei lesz az első év, amikor KÉT makettet is befejeztem...
I fear that I will miss the campaign deadline. It is only 17 days to go, and I need 1-2 evening to finish to attach missing parts, then priming 1, painting 1 or 2, whitews 1 then weathering 1 to 3 evenings... And I can not sit down to the bench every evening... I'll be sad a bit but hey, this is only a campaign ribbon what I miss. I don't remember to a year when 2 (yes, TWO) models were finished by me. And 2017 has very high chance to be a year like this.
I fear that I will miss the campaign deadline. It is only 17 days to go, and I need 1-2 evening to finish to attach missing parts, then priming 1, painting 1 or 2, whitews 1 then weathering 1 to 3 evenings... And I can not sit down to the bench every evening... I'll be sad a bit but hey, this is only a campaign ribbon what I miss. I don't remember to a year when 2 (yes, TWO) models were finished by me. And 2017 has very high chance to be a year like this.
2017. augusztus 9., szerda
3 of 5 turrets
Három torony az ötből máris kész, meglepően gyorsan és könnyen össze lehet őket rakni, és az illeszkedés olyan patent, hogy néhol az is megfordult a fejemben, hogy nem is ragasztom őket, mert nem estek volna szét. De persze azért összeragasztottam mindent. Mindennel.
Two MG turrets and one of the 45mm turrets are done - they went together surprisingly smooth and without any fit issue. Some parts are fitting so tight that I was thinking about to glue them at all or leave them as they were. But finally glued, of course.
Two MG turrets and one of the 45mm turrets are done - they went together surprisingly smooth and without any fit issue. Some parts are fitting so tight that I was thinking about to glue them at all or leave them as they were. But finally glued, of course.
2017. augusztus 7., hétfő
A szabadság alatt lapozgattam a Model Military International elmúlt pár évben kiadott néhány számát, és a tavaly márciusiban megütötte a szemem egy kép. Van egy egész jó cikk a "landship" tankdizájnról az 1930-as években, de ami érdekes volt, az a T-35-ről szóló rész, azon belül is egy kép kifejezetten megtetszett:

Vagyis '41-ben még voltak üzemképes példányok, téli álcafestéssel, innen már csak egy lépés, hogy próbáljak más képeket is találni (természetesen nem nagyon találtam, csak az alábbi kettőt):

És jött az elhatározás: mégis csak hagyom a belső teret a fenébe, próbálom szeptemberig befejezni a makettet téli álcával, egy-két figurával a fő toronyban/on. Ennyit a határozottságról...
During my holiday I found an interesting article on T-35 (and other landships) in Model Military International ('17 March issue). A nice winter camo pic suddenly changed my mind about detailing up the interior. Instead I try to finish this white monster till September (I have ~3 weeks to go) and put one or two figures on top just to measure the size. In greatcoat, of course. With lots of snow around. Maybe a wrecked German something in the ditch and an old Russian farmhouse. I dream like I had hours of free time per day. But not. :)
2017. július 22., szombat
Most két hét szünet következik, elutazunk nyaralni, és néhány száz kilométer térbeli eltérés lesz köztem és a makettek között. De ha útközben látok majd valami érdekeset, azt megveszem, ha makett, vagy fotózom, ha nem az.
Two weeks of holiday starting today. No modelling expected due to the few hundred kilometeres between me and the bench. But this will be an opportunity to shop & buy if any applicable. (I've heard of Austrian armor appearing near the Brenner pass...)
Two weeks of holiday starting today. No modelling expected due to the few hundred kilometeres between me and the bench. But this will be an opportunity to shop & buy if any applicable. (I've heard of Austrian armor appearing near the Brenner pass...)
2017. július 16., vasárnap
MG Turret
Mivel valószínű, hogy a sima verziójú T-35 sem lenne kész szeptember 1-ig, ami az Armorama kampány határideje, egy kicsit felelőtlenül úgy döntöttem, hogy megépítem a tornyok belső terét is. A géppuskatorony esetében mondjuk ez nem egy nagy durranás, egy géppuska, meg egy-két apróság, és kész... a fő torony már kicsit komplikáltabb lesz - lehet, hogy azt ki is hagyom. Meglátom még, semmi sincs fixálva az egyébként kissé zavaros elmémben...
I decided to scratch-build the interior of at least 1-2 turrets. Without that detailing I could have a little chance to finish the T-35 in time for getting the ribbon but... Holiday comes and I have very limited free time in the evenings. So why not waste it with detailing? :)
I have some basic stuff (plus turned barrels for the DT machine gun) and I'd like to scratch the others in the quite simple mg turret.
I decided to scratch-build the interior of at least 1-2 turrets. Without that detailing I could have a little chance to finish the T-35 in time for getting the ribbon but... Holiday comes and I have very limited free time in the evenings. So why not waste it with detailing? :)
I have some basic stuff (plus turned barrels for the DT machine gun) and I'd like to scratch the others in the quite simple mg turret.
2017. július 14., péntek
Sand and stones - Homok és Kavicsok
Visszatérek a kétnyelvű publikáláshoz, mert olvasók tízezrei követelik ezt naponta emailben (na jó, nem, a havi 200 vizitornak is nagyon örülök). Születésnapomra kaptam áprilisban a "nagy" FAQ könyvet, Rubén González művét a dioráma építésről. Brutális olvasmány, már csak a tömegét tekintve is, de egyébként is tetszett, amit benne láttam - megjegyzem, Adóba László diorámás könyvei legalább ennyire inspirálóak, ráadásul magyarul - és egyre inkább mocorog bennem a vágy, hogy én is építsek valami dioráma-szerűséget. Kezdetnek megteszi a kisebb, egy-egy figura alapjául szolgáló kis vinyetta, hogy begyakoroljam, de legalábbis kipróbáljam a különböző terep- és növényzet kombinációkat. Alapanyaggal jól el vagyok látva, de tegnap egy kisállatkereskedőnél nem bírtam otthagyni ezt a négy zacskó homokot és kavicsot. Akvárium alap, méretre rostált kvarc 0,3mm - 3mm között. Kiváló lesz terepre, és a mennyiség két évtizedre biztosan elegendő.
Since I got Rubén González's FAQ - Dioramas book I feel the temptation to start to build something looking like a diorama. First time not a "full" one of course - I thought that I build some simple bases little enough for figures. Just to try the different techniques of different scenery types (snow, desert, mud, etc). Some materials I have on stock for that (static grass, brass and laser cut paper leaves, etc) and some is under acquisiton. Yesterday I was in a pet shop and found cheap sand and stones bags (ranging between 0.3mm and 3mm in size). The four together was 620 Ft (~2 EUR) and they seem to be enough for years... Now I only got to start building something...
Since I got Rubén González's FAQ - Dioramas book I feel the temptation to start to build something looking like a diorama. First time not a "full" one of course - I thought that I build some simple bases little enough for figures. Just to try the different techniques of different scenery types (snow, desert, mud, etc). Some materials I have on stock for that (static grass, brass and laser cut paper leaves, etc) and some is under acquisiton. Yesterday I was in a pet shop and found cheap sand and stones bags (ranging between 0.3mm and 3mm in size). The four together was 620 Ft (~2 EUR) and they seem to be enough for years... Now I only got to start building something...
2017. július 8., szombat
One hour
I tried to make the workable tool clamps. It took one hour to give up. Too tiny, too fiddly. I'll leave the plastic mould-on clamps on the kit part. Luckily only the towing cable has been cleared so far. And yes that is a toothpick below...
2017. július 5., szerda
Finally I've started to do the PE work on the upper parts of the hull. For the record: the kit is so well equipped with PE that buying the Voyager stuff was a complete waste of money. No problem anyway. Sunk cost. I've learned economics, or what.
In the meantime I've signed up for imgur and post the pictures from there in the future. Up until the moment when imgur decides to charge USD 369 per year for 3rd party hosting... Am I pessimistic?
In the meantime I've signed up for imgur and post the pictures from there in the future. Up until the moment when imgur decides to charge USD 369 per year for 3rd party hosting... Am I pessimistic?
2017. június 30., péntek
FUCK YOU Photobucket.com
After years of free usage, and with only ~300 pictures uploaded Photobucket wants me to pay USD 400 per year to have my photos visible again on 3rd party pages (including this blog). Well.
I am really annoyed.
I am really annoyed.
2017. június 27., kedd
Heat wave...
The summer is hot, as usually. And our hobby room has no air-conditioning. Which is a drawback when a room has two large glass surfaces (floor-to-ceiling windows on the SE and large window on the SW side). It is more appropriate now to plant tomato or some tropical fruit in the room than to do any kind of modelling as it is around 28 Celsius during the day. Too much for me. The only thing what I could do this weekend was to clean up the desk and to plan a cover for the paint stacks. I don't think that direct sunlight makes any good to pigments in paints...
2017. június 18., vasárnap
Friuls done
Friuls were done in two weeks - which really means one week due to our short holiday when I had no chance to touch anything on my workbench. So 6 days of drilling and cleaning and 1 day of construction. The drilling was the most tedious part. And this was the first time that I've tried to construct a track without the CA glue - and it works. Speeds up building definitely. The tracks speak for themselves, really nice finish even with that minor issue with "no-right-side" - after weathering that will be hardly visible, I think. So she looks like this nowadays:
2017. június 6., kedd
Track problem
I bought my Friul set for this kit second hand. And that is now why I can not complain at the producer that the kit consisted of two bags of tracks. Both left side. Arrrgh... should I use it or throw it out? The only difference is the track pin - on the right side I should correct it somehow. Tiny putty blobs, or whatever... but anyway, it is annoying a little.
2017. május 22., hétfő
PE problem
I've tried to use Voyager PE but soon had to give it up. The separator panels between the wheels are very bulky and ugly right from the set. The PE would look way better and far more accurate in scale. The problems are tough:
- it is wider than the kit part and to cut/shape it would be pain (eight times...)
- it has no real surface to glue. I tried with small L shaped brass strips but were still too fragile
So finally I decided to use the kit parts. The first pair has been sanded to let the first return roller work but the other three pairs were left as they were. Hardly will be visible when finished.
Otherwise the kit goes together swiftly. Not a Tamiya kit but far better than I expected.
- it is wider than the kit part and to cut/shape it would be pain (eight times...)
- it has no real surface to glue. I tried with small L shaped brass strips but were still too fragile
So finally I decided to use the kit parts. The first pair has been sanded to let the first return roller work but the other three pairs were left as they were. Hardly will be visible when finished.
Otherwise the kit goes together swiftly. Not a Tamiya kit but far better than I expected.
2017. május 15., hétfő
It's huge
Compared to my previous builds the T-35 is huge. It seems that the lower hull is slowly closing to the finish but now I have the big question: to use or not to use. The photoetched side armor / running gear cover. With thousand bolt heads which need to be individually glued/soldered. I'm not convinced that the PE would add so much to the final visual result to worth several hours of eye-popping bolt-head-job. The kit armor piece is nicely moulded and fairly represents the original (according to the few photos I have) and... well... I'm not a time-billionaire. Unfortunately. So I'll go with the kit side (and wasted some money on the PE...).
So far here we are:
So far here we are:
2017. április 23., vasárnap
New project: T-35
Well, a little pause after the Jagdpanzer (figures and diorama is a side-project, still in feasibility phase). Another campaign on armorama.com is the "Landships" where I enlisted a few months ago. Time-pressure is my big old friend and that is why I thought 4 months will (must) be enough for this monster. I bought some PE stuff but after an hour of learning the instructions and checking the plastic parts I am not convinced about the running gear / side plate PE parts... I'll see. But that big pack may be left out of this project. Painting will not be an issue - green. Tracks look quite OK in the kit but I have Friuls as well. So, let's begin... again, a lot of wheels but this time a lot of turrets, as well :)
2017. április 20., csütörtök
Jagdpanzer IV finished (99.8%)
And I've been successful - the armorama campaign deadline is 30th April and I finished this Jpz days before it :) Though some touch-ups are still required. The upper plate is not glued yet - I plan to include figures there so the periscope tube ending is not glued on. Also noticed that I forgot to paint the steel return rollers to some shiny metal finis. The tracks are quite OK but more dust and weathering will be applied later on the lower parts. As soon as I decide about the diorama settings these final-final steps will be made.
Overall I am pleased. I finished in time. The result is pleasing if I look at it. Subtle weathering - I don't want to hide any nice details. The Friul was a waste of money and time. It is beautiful but it is not visible because of the Schürzen. One of them is intentionally missing to show up at least a section of the track... This was a fast and pleasing build and made me motivated about modelling again.
Due to the PhotoBucket issue, the pictures to be found here: https://muanyagforgacs.blogspot.hu/2017/04/weathering-report.html
Overall I am pleased. I finished in time. The result is pleasing if I look at it. Subtle weathering - I don't want to hide any nice details. The Friul was a waste of money and time. It is beautiful but it is not visible because of the Schürzen. One of them is intentionally missing to show up at least a section of the track... This was a fast and pleasing build and made me motivated about modelling again.
Due to the PhotoBucket issue, the pictures to be found here: https://muanyagforgacs.blogspot.hu/2017/04/weathering-report.html
Jagdpanzer IV,
2017. április 10., hétfő
Weather(ing) report
After a short pause (some renovation of the modelling/hobby room in the house) I continued with the weathering. No clear plan to follow. I apply different products and then check the result and apply some other products to reach some variation. Up until now I faded the colors with oils and used AK Interactive's light dust deposit (cool stuff, really), washed the vehicle with AmmoMIG brown wash and weathered the lower hull with ProModeller wash plus some oils. And of course the old classic: MIG Productions pigments - these will be used instead of the general pre-dusting with airbrush and I'll dirt the tracks with them, too, to achieve somewhat consistent look at the end. I still have some chance to finish until 30th April (and get that Campaign Ribbon on armorama.com) so my motivation increases day by day. What I have to do to finish:
- painting the tools on the rear deck
- painting the visors
- paint/weather the exhaust and the jack-block
- weather the skirts (and decide: to use nor not to use all of them as they hide the tracks - and if the hide than it proves to be an unnecessary effort to have them from Friuls)
That seems to be possible in almost three weeks.
And some pics from the weathering phase:
- painting the tools on the rear deck
- painting the visors
- paint/weather the exhaust and the jack-block
- weather the skirts (and decide: to use nor not to use all of them as they hide the tracks - and if the hide than it proves to be an unnecessary effort to have them from Friuls)
That seems to be possible in almost three weeks.
And some pics from the weathering phase:
Jagdpanzer IV,
2017. március 29., szerda
Rotbraun done
Well, this camo turns out to be interesting. Historically not correct but as I don't try to imitate any specific vehicle, I don't really mind the issue. If I were a "rivet counter" than maybe I would worry more about the historical issue but...
So. It is too reddish to my eyes but later it will fade and change. I sprayed a light gloss cote to prepare for the markings but the pics are "before-cote".
Regarding the paint: AmmoMIG paint is OK for large surface painting but it was really annoying to use it with the 0.2mm needle for precision painting. Every 20 second it clogged the needle (though I used its own thinner in 2 parts paint : 1 part thinner ratio) - the finish is nice, and it levels smoothly but I hate when I have to stop to clear the needle or when sudden "bubbles" burst out of the airbrush and make spider-like results which are hard to correct. Nonetheless the basic painting is finished. Now let's get to the weathering. Not too much as I don't like nowadays' trend of over-weathering everything - covering details with mud saying "the real vehicles are really dirty". But these are models. And I like to see the details not the mud effects :)
So. It is too reddish to my eyes but later it will fade and change. I sprayed a light gloss cote to prepare for the markings but the pics are "before-cote".
Regarding the paint: AmmoMIG paint is OK for large surface painting but it was really annoying to use it with the 0.2mm needle for precision painting. Every 20 second it clogged the needle (though I used its own thinner in 2 parts paint : 1 part thinner ratio) - the finish is nice, and it levels smoothly but I hate when I have to stop to clear the needle or when sudden "bubbles" burst out of the airbrush and make spider-like results which are hard to correct. Nonetheless the basic painting is finished. Now let's get to the weathering. Not too much as I don't like nowadays' trend of over-weathering everything - covering details with mud saying "the real vehicles are really dirty". But these are models. And I like to see the details not the mud effects :)
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