Egy időre most felfüggesztem a blog írását, mert a számítógépem bedobozolásra került - sajnos a Nyúllal egy légtérben iszonyat mennyiségű por és nyúlszőr lebeg, amit nem szeretnék, ha tönkretenné a masinát. Így bizonytalan ideig a feleségem gépén "lógok", ide viszont nem tudok képeket felpakolni - meg egyébként sincs időm makettezni mostanság sajnos. Szóval néhány hónap szünet.
Due to technical reasons I suspend this blog for a few months... Maybe next year I'll have more time for modelling but try to breed the next modelling generation as seen below :)
I'll be back...
Sorry to hear you'll be taking a hiatus, my friend. Your's has been one of my favourite blogs to follow.
Thanks Rudi for your kind words. I'll see how long this break will last. The reason is that we had to move our Rabbit to the room where my modelling corner was and there was my computer also. And the Rabbit makes so much dust that I was afraid my computer would be harmed so I packed it away - and so I'm deprived now from my sources (pictures, books, etc) helping my modelling. But I try to continue and publish from my wife's laptop - only the regularity of post will decrease a bit more. That's the situation for now and now I try to cope with it :)