The running gear and track are ready. The hull is progressing nicely - I hope to finish the build in a month and another month is needed for the painting-weathering. But do not be too ambitious. Bronco did a fantastic job regarding the details and the fit of the kit. However I don't see the logic in some cases, for example why they molded casting numbers on some parts and why the expect me to glue supertiny PE casting numbers to the lower front part? My personal favourite is the track: really easy to cut and clean and it is workable without drilling and/or messing with pins, wires, etc. I love it.
Aminek kapcsán bizonytalan vagyok: a Black Dog felszerelését gondoltam hátra, de feltűnően túl nagy kupac lett belőle, lásd képek. Így aztán hiába gyönyörűen kidolgozott gyanta készlet, mégsem fogom feltenni a járműre, már csak azért sem, mert az a két-három kép, amit az eredeti, olasz hadjáratban szereplő Chaffee-kről találtam, egyike sem mutat ennyire "túlmálházott" járgányt... a kevesebb néha több, azt hiszem, jelen esetben is igaz.
One thing I am not sure about: the Black Dog stowage set. Beautiful molding, superb details but attaching that to the tank looks odd. It is way too much for me. I don't question that there were Chaffees in WWII with that huge heap of stowage but the 2-3 reference photos from the Italian campaign what I could dig up from the web show nothing comparable... so less is more will be true in this case, as well.
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